AUTUMN LAMENTS - "Gone" - CD + digital


CD in digipak two panels
7 cm sticker Autumn Laments
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AUTUMN LAMENTS - "Gone" - Melancholic black Metal from Germany
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Founded in 2018, Autumn Laments is a melancholic/atmospheric Black Metal project based in Germany. Inspired by the Australian scene with bands like Austere, Funeral Mourning and Abyssmal Sorrow, Autumn Laments tries to combine the concept of Black Metal with a bleak and dreary sound as well as a slower pace compared to traditional Black Metal. With a dense melancholic atmosphere, portraying the monotony and cold sides of life, combined with metaphoric lyrics, it might as well be considered "Bleak Metal" instead.
The artist behind the project, known as L.S., is responsible for all instruments as well as the vocals of this one-man project. Having released two albums, "Gone" and "Elegies", which gained the band a following since it's founding, the projects upcoming, third album "Below the Surface" is currently in the making.
"Gone" was released in 2019 in a (now sold out) cassette format on the artist's Bandcamp. The version on CD proposed here has been slightly remastered by L.S. himself

L.S. - Everything