URLUK - "More" - CD + digital
CD in jewel case
Eight pages booklet
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URLUK - "More" - Doom/black Metal from Italy
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About URLUK:
The name URLUK in the local dialect means owl, which is very common in the italian countryside
It is used to say "idiot" to a person, because the owl, being a nocturnal animal, when it sees the light, has an expression of dismay.
URLUK wanted to redeem this animal and use it as a name for their band, precisely because it feels annoyed by the light.
M. & U. took all the photos of the artwork. The painting in the booklet is from Brunilde Bruni (link in the credits section). It depicts a funeral march.
URLUK chose the title MORE as a continuation of LOSS (their first album), because they wanted the listener to wonder: what is the sadder feeling after the loss?
The answer is right in the word : Melancholy Only REmains... M. O. RE
URLUK was born in 2020 as a project between M. (first drummer of Black Oath) and U.
From the ruins buried in the desolate countryside, they created this project to combine the melancholy, the rawness of black metal and the spookiness of doom
Brunilde Bruni (painter)
Recorded at Toxic Basement Studios
The album features the participation of Henoa Drones
And of Luxitan (historical voice of early Gosforth)